science, christianity and the human condition

As the rise of fascist racism in public escalates; and a deadly plague sweeps over the US, the arguments over god and nature are back.  Being somewhat older, I am forever feeling a sense of Deja Vu to the days of Reagan coming into office and the AIDS crisis striking fear across the world.  Two major themes of the Reagan era were the christian propagandist god choose the US over the USSR, and all the problems that Black people and other marginalised groups suffered were their own fault.  These themes remain consistent and loud, coming from the GOP.

So the question becomes linked to what are humans supposed to do with themselves anyway?  Are we designed for some “higher” purpose or biding time until we are sorted into eternal damnation/salvation?  The Abrahamic believers link our design and purpose to god and divine planning, and any deviation from the plan is seen as heretical [ironic given that humans are not supposed to be capable of understanding the divine plan].  In the Abrahamic schema, you are poor and suffering because you are not following the plan. 

As the 18th century unfolded, this can be seen in eugenics notions that attempted to merge science and christo/fascism.  It is no accident that the prevalent ideas of white supremacy undergirded the popular understandings of evolution.  I always come back to the subtitle of Darwin’s book of Evolution.  The chirsto/fascists see whiteness as the objective of the entire human population.  Given that Darwin told us that the best traits were selected for optimal success of a species, then obviously, the traits of whiteness were the human species’ optimal traits.  Eugenics holds that non-desirable human traits should be bred out [though direct breeding programs if necessary], and those possessing them should be cut out of society and left to die or worked to death for the profit of white people. 

Christianity offers several dangerous narratives that propel white supremacy today.  The linkage of shame, sin and “deformity” works to give chisto/fascists leeway to actively work to harm non-cis, white,christian, male, hetero, non-disabled people.  The presence of traits other than those thought to be cis, white, christian, male, hetero, non-disabled people is something chisto/fascists consider a sign of sin and evil.  Those who have such evident signs of evil marking them out are always already bad and therefore expendable.  Often these arguments revert to pseudoscience in that they have premises that rely on notions of what is biologically normal and best.  God, for these people, designed humans to be a certain biologically normal way.

But what does that mean? What is biologically normal?  Sexually humans come in a wide variety of chromosome combinations.  There is no binary in nature; there are species of other animals that change sex and are parthenogenic.  Humans come in a wide range of skin tones, hair types, sizes and shapes.  As Donna Haraway pointed out long ago, most humans are reliant on technology to sustain their lives and correct defects (do you have teeth fillings? wear glasses? …)

If we take normal as what the “average” human should be like, then statistically, we have issues.  The average human is not a white male.  There are far more Asians on the planet than white people and far more women than men.  Nevertheless, especially in Europe and North America, white males are seen as the norm despite the lower numbers of them worldwide, and even in Europe and North America, there are more women than men.

If we take “normal” to me good (as in gods idea of good) design and therefore better for the continued success of the species, we have more problems.  The notion that god is a singular male figure responsible for the entire universe and your life is not a belief system that relies on the accuracy of historical or scientific fact.  We also know that statistically, men are not a very good design.  Men have higher rates of heart disease, cancer, suicide and infertility compared to women. 

From a non-religious standpoint, the point of life is to live and to help sustain other life.  This means that a wide variety of humans are needed to cope with a wide variety of stresses.  The fact that non-white/cis/hetero/abled/male humans continue to exist despite millennia of attempts of genocide might show that these people are actually better designed for life and should be promoted as the “norm” and good.

Violence and the Christian Trauma Bond

For people unfamiliar with domestic violence and phenomenon such as Stolkholm Syndrom; the Trauma Bond occurs when the abuser creates a traumatic situation such as beating you or threatening to kill you.  After the abuser has calmed down, they deflect all blame and seek to soothe you with attention.  At the same time, the abuser tells you that you need to do better to prevent the abuse and that they love you more than anything.  Thus creating a bond in which the victim seeks to please the abuser to get positive attention.  This cycle is replayed over and over again until the victim leaves or is killed by their abuser.

The high levels of abuse in society mean that millions of people are susceptible to abusive cycles, yet little society does to curb domestic violence.  As with many of the US’s social and economic problems, we can see the perpetuation of abuse and violence is part of the bedrock of US society, which began as a nation that enslaved people for life.  Christianity certainly plays some role in the abuse and violence prevalent in US society today.

The far-right is replete with god loving jew hating christians.  Furthermore, scores of people have died since the 1960’s alone at the hands of violent abusers who were christian white supremacists.  From Timothy McVey to the QAnon insurrectionists who broke into the Capitol on January 6th white supremacist christians have done significant damage killing adults and children and leaving wakes of trauma behind their destruction.

While people in the US, especially the white people, are happy to justify the endless prison hell of Guantanamo Bay and violence against Muslims because they are Muslim and therefore violent; we fail to account for how violent white christians are in the US.  Besides the millions of domestic violence cases, white chirstians have killed thousands of US citizens since 1865.  I find this peculiar given the similarity between the two faiths and the long history each has of conquest and murder.  Perhaps this is why when the mainstream media discuss white supremacist terrorists in the US; their religious affiliations are often ignored.

I keep thinking about abuse and christianity and terrorism and violence and always Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling pops into my head.  Kierkegaard focuses on the seminal biblical story upon which all Abrahamic religions (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) praise deep faith and commitment to god.  In the story of Abraham god, via an angel, tells Abraham he must make a sacrifice to him of his son to prove his love for god.  The son that Abraham received after he pleaded with god.  Abraham dutifully takes his son up the mountain, places him on an altar for burnt offerings and is about to plunge the knife into his child when god tells him to stop.  He pleases god, and everyone lives happily ever after (no one really talks about how much PTSD this caused Issac). 

Kierkegaard reckons that the story shows how you must leap into the unknown with faith to have a genuine relationship with and love of god. Sound familiar?  Kierkegaard seems to be describing the Trauma Bond as an ideal model of christian faith.  The powerful god gives you what you asked for, but only if you acknowledge the complete control of your life to god.  Those that give control are punished, psychologically like Abraham and Issac or physically like Jesus and then rewarded with the promise of eternal bliss.  Those that doubt are also punished until they relent or die with the promise of eternal torture.  The prevalence of violence in US society cannot be fully understood without understanding white christianity. 

Spectacular Capitalism and Social Media

In the last year, I have spent significant amounts of the pandemic online, looking at Face Books posts from my small group of friends and scrolling Twitter.  I think a lot about equity and white supremacy in the US, and the problems that non-white, non-cis, non-hetero, non-christian face economically. 

The founders of the US were white supremacists; many had enslaved people working their plantations.  The US began when monarchies across Europe were losing power, and capitalism entrenched itself in the west.  Enslavement of the “other” allowed capitalism to flourish, and as the triangular trade waned other commodities and cultural artefacts became commodities in the US and Europe. 

In DeBord’s work, he explains that capitalism is tied to spectral as various markets and sellers compete against each other.  Spectacle feeds several human desirers; visual entertainment, dopamine kicks from surprise and awe, and escape from the everyday.  DeBord speculated that as the need to sell increased public spectacles and advertising pushed to supply increasing amounts of visual imagery that was increasingly symbolic and emotionally exciting.

The current trends show how correct DeBord was.  Most social media is heavily visually driven.  Sites make it easy for anyone and everyone to upload photos and videos of their daily life.  Those who post visual content are rewarded with more shares, more views and a chance to “go viral”.  Likes deliver little jolts of dopamine and provide a sense of connection to others.  During a pandemic, this becomes amplified.  The longing for connection prompts competition amongst those posting to social media to drive towards visual content.

It is not surprising to see how social media has contributed to the spectacle of Capitalism.  Social media has influenced language itself as millions of users engage with emojis and short acronyms instead of text.  The prevalence of memes, gifs and short videos has become such that they regularly make mainstream news reports. 

In spectacular capitalism, we are lured into consumer action and visual signalling in the name of good.  We are told that buying the symbols of Blackness and banning those of white supremacy helps solve racism and makes us moral citizens.  There are so many problems with this…  Symbols are powerful tools for human communication, but you cannot appropriate other peoples cultural symbols and remain a good citizen. 

White people have no business wearing dreadlocks or Native American War Bonnetts.  Changing your avatar to BLM or a section of Kente Cloth is not being an ally.  Buying exotic clothes, art, or furniture is not being an ally.  Engaging with visual symbolism is neutral at best but mostly harmful.  Because it allows people to feel good without actually knowing anything about the symbols.  Symbols speak to the superficiality of white political commitment to equity and justice.  Without understanding the history of white supremacy and working to undermine white supremacy, you are merely seeking attention and congratulations for your “wokeness”.

The moto of spectacular capitalism might be summed up as:  all things can be seen and all is for sale.  The white western commodification of other cultures allows places like Black Africa to remain exploited, and aids in the oppression of Black people in the US.  White westerns jump at the opportunity to consume things that will alleviate their guilt of complicity with white supremacy.  The impulse buying of non-white culture by white people contributes to the oppression by making you forget about the actual problems non-whites face and making profits for white people who sell ethnic commodities.  The money and power remain in the hands of white people. 

Black History

Dear fellow white people:

It is that time of year again when Black people gained visibility through the outdated and tired diversity month initiatives.  As a result, slews of well-meaning white people will trot out historical facts and Black accomplishments.  Well-meaning white people will circulate “woke” hashtags and smile that they too know the names of more obscure Black people.


Representation does not equal equity, a pithy fact or cute meme does not erase white supremacy.  Think!  In a society that is rooted with spectacular capitalist systems, the celebration of Black “History” tends to be harmful, superficial and attention-seeking.  White people see themselves as allies, promoting Blacks in low stakes arenas like social media or through appropriation of Black culture.  Thus, white people are satisfied with themselves for not being racists yet the relegation of Black history and culture to the shortest month of the year is, in fact, racist.

Everyone should celebrate Black history amazing and at all times, not once a year (maybe twice if you like the pacifist version of MLK).  These practices are particularly egregious in academia, which the notion of diversity months has really taken off over the years.  The lack of substantive Black history in US education is ridiculous and racist.  Everyone should be working on learning more about the US’s racist foundations and thinking of ways to end white supremacy daily, not a few times a year.

Many white people see the appropriation of Black culture (this applies to Native Americans and other groups) as a celebration and a sign of acceptance.  They wrap themselves in Kente cloth expecting love and rewards for their bravery of celebrating Black culture.  Of course, the US House speaker and others in 2020 missed a big point when they kneeled over the violence and death Black people experience because they are Black in “solidarity”.  First, Kente cloth is Ghanian; it is not a US phenomenon.  Second, wearing a BLM pin or other symbols of white wokeness does nothing to solve systemic racism and white supremacy.  Third, culture is not really something to be shared.

White people think they have full rights and access to everyone else’s cultural history, and demand it should be shared and used by white people.  This idea is colonial shite supremacy incarnate.  Cultures are not things to be shared and used by the out-group.  Cultures are societies that have shared histories and locations and have developed practices to keep their society together.  Culture is what societies enact to preserve their stability and longevity.  If you are not part of a culture, you do not get to use someone else’s culture for your own vanity or monetary gain.